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ABSTRAKSI Fuad, Nur.2020. ‘Analisis penanganan bongkar muat 3 grade (paraxylene,glycerine,nitrid acid) di MT. Sun Carnation’.Skripsi.Program Diploma IV , dan Program Studi Nautika.Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang,Pembimbing I: Capt. I Kadek Laju, S.H., M.M., Pembimbing II : Purwantono,S.Psi, M.Pd. Dari banyaknya kendala yang pernah terjadi, penulis pernah mengalami pembongkaran muatan 3(tiga) jenis muatan pada tanggal 22 januari 2018, di pelabbuhan Nantong China. Muatan yang di muat yaitu : (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid). Glycerine memiliki sifat yang hamper sama dengan Paraxyline, jika muatan ini terkena kulit akan menyebabkan iritasi, jika tidak segera dicuci, maka kulit akan mengelupas dan terasa panas. Sedangkan Nitric acid, jenisnya lebih keras dan berbahaya, jika terkena kulit, akan terasa seperti terbakar dan harus disiram terus dengan air hingga rasan panasnya berkurang. Pada saat penanganan untuk ketiga muatan ini pun terlalu diremehkan, padahal jika salah satu muatan terkontaminasi dengan muatan yang lain bisa menyebabkan ledakan atau bahaya lainya.Adapun perumusan masalah itu, yaitu (1) Apa kendala dalam penanganan bongkar muat 3 grade (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid) (2) Bagaimana upaya untuk mengatasi kendala saat penanganan bongkar muat 3 grade (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid) Setelah semua kendala dikategorikan dan dituangkan dalam cause and effect diagram, penulis melakukan analisis lebih lanjut untuk menemukan root cause atau akarpermasalahan. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan cara diskusi dan brainstorming Bersama narsumber wawancara. Semua kendala yang dituangkan daam cause and effect diagram dibahas satu persatu sehingga membuahkan hasil diskusi. Kendala utama pelaksanaan bongkar muat 3 grade (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid ) di MT. Sun Carnation adalah tidak adanya prosedur dalam pelaksanaan bongkar muat 3 grade, Officer on cargo watch tidak mahir dalam pelaksanaan bongkar muat 3 grade ,sulitnya proses pergantian grade, sulitnys topping saat bongkar muat 3 grade. Upaya untuk mengtasi pelaksanaan bongkar muat 3 grade adalah dengan menyusun prosedur pelaksanaan bongkar muat 3 grade. Saran dari hasil yang diperoleh adalah officer on cargo watch hendaknya selalu berpedoman pada prosedur dalam seluruh pelaksanaan kegiatan diatas kapal termasuk bongkar muat 3 grade, seluruh officer on cargo watch sebagai pengawas sekaligus pelaksana kegiatan discharging or loading harus memahami prosedur sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan untuk menghindari kesalahan. ABSTRACT Fuad, Nur.2020. ‘Analysis of cargo handling 3 grades (paraxyline, glycerine, nitric acid di MT. Sun Carnation’. Diploma IV Program, Nautical Study Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Advisor I: Capt. I Kadek Laju, S.H., M.M., Pembimbing II : Purwantono,S.Psi, M.Pd. Of the many obstacles that have occurred, the author has experienced loading of 3 (three) types of cargo on January 22, 2018, at the port of Nantong China. Loaded loads are: (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid). Glycerine has properties that are almost the same as Paraxyline, if this charge is exposed to the skin it will cause irritation, if not washed immediately, then the skin will peel and feel hot. While Nitric acid, the type is harder and more dangerous, if exposed to the skin, it will feel like burning and must be watered continuously with water until the heat is reduced. When handling these three loads too underestimated, even if one load is contaminated with another load can cause an explosion or other danger. As for the formulation of the problem, namely (1) constraints in handling loading and unloading 3 grades (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid) (2) What is the effort to overcome obstacles when handling loading and unloading 3 grades (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid) After all the constraints are categorized and outlined in the cause and effect diagram, the authors conduct further analysis to find the root cause or root of the problem. This analysis is carried out by means of discussion and brainstorming with interview sources. All the constraints outlined in the cause and effect diagram are discussed one by one so that the results of the discussion are produced. The main obstacle in the implementation of loading and unloading 3 grades (Paraxyline, Glycerine, Nitric acid) in MT. Sun Carnation is the absence of procedures for carrying out 3 grade loading and unloading, Officer on cargo watch is not proficient in carrying out 3 grade loading and unloading, the difficulty of the grade change process, difficult topping when loading and unloading 3 grades. The effort to carry out the implementation of 3 grade loading and unloading is to compile procedures for carrying out 3 grade loading and unloading. Suggestions from the results obtained are officers on cargo watch should always be guided by procedures in the entire implementation of activities on board, including 3-grade loading and unloading, all officers on cargo watch as supervisors as well as executors of discharging or loading activities must understand procedures before implementing activities to avoid mistakes.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Penanganan muatan 3 grade, fishbone. Keywords: 3 grade, load handling, fishbone.
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2020 01:50
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2020 01:50

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