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ABSTRAKSI Rifqi Irfan Zidni, 2019, NIT : 52155576.N, “Tersangkut Floating Cargo Hose saat Operasi Penanganan Muatan Crude Oil di AHTS. Dian Horizon”, skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Pembimbing I : Capt. EKO M, M.Pd, M.Mar Pembimbing II : Capt. FIRDAUS S, S,ST, M.Si, M.Mar Latar belakang peneliti memilih judul skripsi “Tersangkutnya floating cargo hose saat operasi penanganan muatan crude oil di AHTS. Dian Horizon” karena kejadian tersangkutnya floating hose sering terjadi pada saat hose handling operation sehingga MM (Mooring Master) meminta kepada Master/Nakhoda untuk membatalkan proses loading/unloading ke tanker padahal kapal tanker sudah posisi tandem atau hampir tandem dengan FSO. Oleh karena itu diadakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebab tersangkutnya floating cargo hose saat operasi penanganan muatan crude oil dan mengetahui dampak ketika tersangkutnya floating cargo hose pada saat penanganan muatan crude oil. Mempunyai rumusan masalah yaitu penyebab dan dampak ketika tersangkutnya floating cargo hose saat operasi penanganan muatan crude oil di AHTS. Dian Horizon. Landasan teori yang menjelaskan tentang tersangkutnya floating cargo hose saat hose handling operation demi menunjang kelancaran dalam operasi / pekerjaan tersebut dan digunakan dalam pembuatan laporan penelitian untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada dalam proses penelitian utamanya, terkait dengan hose handling operation di area FSO Gagak Rimang. Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah metode kualitatif, sedangkan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara, observasi, dan kepustakaan yang berhubungan dengan penanganan muatan crude oil saat hose handling operation. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut kita ketahui bagaimana penanganan dan pengaturan muatan crude oil berupa perencanaan, pembagian dinas jaga, pelaksananan transfer floating cargo hose yang dilakukan yang dilakukan, serta kendala-kendala tersangkutnya floating cargo hose, terhambatnya proses loading muatan crude oil dan kurangnya manuver Nakhoda dalam berolah gerak. Maka untuk memecahkan hal tersebut dibutuhkan adanya kerja sama yang baik dalam proses transfer floating cargo hose dengan pengawasan yang optimal serta ketelitian crew kapal baik dari Nakhoda sampai AB. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tersangkutnya floating cargo hose dengan adanya kendala-kendala tersebut yang tidak hanya dilakukan oleh AB tapi juga kurangnya manuver Nakhoda saat berolah gerak. Dari simpulan diatas sebaiknya tersangkutnya floating cargo hose perlu memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip pemasangan, dengan pengawasan Nakhoda serta perwira jaga yang baik dan benar. Rifqi Irfan Zidni, 2019, NIT : 52155576.N, “The Involvement of Floating Cargo Hose When Handling Crude Oil Cargo Operations at AHTS. Dian Horizon”, thesis Nautical Program Study , Diploma IV Program, Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnic. Advisor I : Capt. EKO M, M.Pd, M.Mar. Advisor II : Capt. FIRDAUS S, S,ST, M.Si, M.Mar The background of the researchers chose the title of the thesis "The involvement of floating cargo hose when handling crude oil cargo operations at AHTS. Dian Horizon” due to the occurrence of floating cargo hose interruption often occurs during hose handling operations so MM (Mooring Master) asks the Master / Chief to cancel the loading / unloading process to the tanker even though the tanker is in tandem or almost tandem position with FSO. Therefore, a study was conducted to find out the cause of the floating cargo hose when handling crude oil cargo operation and find out the impact when floating cargo hose was stucks when handling crude oil loads. Has the formulation of the problem namely the caused and effects when the floating cargo hose is stuck when handling crude oil cargo in AHTS. Dian Horizon. The theoretical basis explaining the involvement of floating cargo hose during hose handling operations in order to support the smooth operation / work and is used in making research reports to solve problems taht exist in the main research process, related to hose handling operations in the FSO Gagak Rimang area. The method used by the author is a qualitative method, while the data collection method used is the method of interview, observation, and literature relating to the handling of crude oil loads during hose handling operations. From the results of this research we know how to handle and regulate crude oil in the form of planning, division of guard services, the implementation of floating cargo hose transfers carried out, as well as the obstacles involved in floating cargo hose, obstruction of the loading process of crude oil loads and the lack of Master maneuvers in exercising motion. So to solve this, it needs a good cooperation in the process of transfering floating cargo hose with optimal supervision and accuracy of the crew of the ship both from the Master to the AB. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the involvement of floating cargo hose due to these constraints which are not only done by AB but also the lack of Master maneuvers when exercising. From the conclusions above, it is better if the floating cargo hose is involved, it is necessary to pay attention to the principles of installation, with the supervision of the Master and officers who are good and right.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: floating cargo hose, hose handling operation, dan crude oil
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email perpustakaan@pip-semarang.ac.id
Date Deposited: 30 Dec 2019 06:56
Last Modified: 30 Dec 2019 06:56
URI: http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/id/eprint/2149

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