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ABSTRAKSI Alki Pratama. 51145203 N. “Penggunaan dan perawatan Inert Gas System guna mengoptimalkan proses penanganan muatan di MT. Gede“. skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Dosen Pembimbing I: Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Si, M. Mar, Dosen Pembimbing II: Capt. Firdaus Sitepu, S.ST, M.Si, M.Mar. Penggunaan Inert Gas System di kapal tanker bukan suatu hal yang baru, mengacu pada Konvensi International Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) mensyaratkan bawah pada bulan Juni 1983 kapal yang memiliki bobot mati di atas 20.000 ton sudah harus dilengkapi Inert Gas System yang merupakan salah satu sistem pencegah terjadinya kebakaran dan ledakan di dalam tangka muatan dengan cara menurunkan kadar oksigen hingga 8% dalam tangki muatan. Maka diperlukannya pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang Inert Gas System dan kemudian melakukan pengoprasian serta pemeliharaan sesuai dengan prosedur pemakaian agar sistem tersebut dapat tetap terjaga dengan baik dan dapat di operasikan dengan lancar. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini penulis menggunakan metode fishbone analysis dan fault tree analysis serta pengumpulan data secara observasi dengan cara mengamati langsung obyek penelitian, melakukan wawancara dan didukung dengan metode dokumentasi. Berdasarkan analisa bahwa penggunaan dan perawatan Inert Gas System harus dilakukan sebaik mungkin dan dirawat secara teratur karena jika sistem tersebut tidak dapat digunakan secara sempurna maka bahaya kebakaran dan ledakan di dalam tangki dapat terjadi karena terpenuhinya elemen segitiga api yang mana segitiga api tersebut terdiri dari panas, oksigen, dan bahan bakar. Sedangkan kendala berupa kurang pengetahuannya crew kapal pada Inert Gas System dimana crew tersebut tidak bisa mengoprasikan Inert Gas System sehingga ketika Inert Gas System tersebut beroperasi menjadi tidak berjalan tidak optimal. Hal tersebut sangatlah membahayakan akan faktor keselamatan crew yang berada di atas kapal. Maka upaya untuk mengatasinya adalah dengan segera melakukan familiriarisasi kepada setiap crew agar crew dapat mengetahui pengoperasian Inert Gas System selain itu memberikan edukasi menggunakan video tape yang diputar pada waktu tertentu yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan edukasi para crew kapal pada Inert Gas System. Dengan melaksanakan penggunaan dan perawatan Inert Gas System dengan baik diharapkan dapat memperlacar proses penanganan muatan dan juga keselamatan kapal maupun crew kapal dari kebakaran dan ledakan di dalam tangki, sehingga kegiatan bongkar muat muatan berjalan dengan lancar dan perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian yang disebabkan karena kebakaran dan ledakan di dalam tangki. Pada akhir bagian skripsi peneiti menyajikan kesimpulan dan saran ABSTRACT Alki Pratama. 51145203 N. "Usage and maintenance of Inert Gas System to optimaze the handling of crude oil on MT. Gede", Nautical Study Program thesis, Diploma IV Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Supervisor I: Capt. Arika Palapa, M.Sc, M.Mar, Advisor II: Capt. Firdaus Sitepu, S.ST, M.Si, M.Mar. The use of the Inert Gas System on tankers is nothing new, referring to the International Safety Life At Sea (SOLAS) Convention requiring that in June 1983 vessels that have a dead weight of over 20,000 tons must be equipped with an Inert Gas System which is one of the preventive systems fires and explosions in cargo loads by reducing oxygen levels by up to 8% in cargo tanks. Then the understanding and knowledge of the Inert Gas System is needed and then operating and maintaining in accordance with the usage procedures so that the system can be maintained properly and can be operated smoothly. In writing this thesis the author uses the method of fishbone analysis and fault tree analysis as well as collecting data by observation by observing the object of research directly, conducting interviews and supported by the method of documentation. Based on the analysis that the use and treatment of the Inert Gas System must be done as well as possible and treated regularly because if the system cannot be used perfectly, the danger of fire and explosion in the tank can occur due to the fulfillment of the fire triangle element in which the fire triangle consists of heat, oxygen and fuel. While the constraints in the form of lack of knowledge of the crew of the ship in the Inert Gas System where the crew cannot operate the Inert Gas System so that when the Inert Gas System operates it does not run optimally. This is very dangerous for the safety factor of the crew on board. So the effort to overcome it is to immediately familiarize each crew so that the crew can find out about the operation of the Inert Gas System in addition to providing education using video tapes that are played at a certain time to improve the education of the crew in the Inert Gas System. By implementing the use and maintenance of the Inert Gas System it is hoped that it can proclaim the process of handling cargo and also the safety of the ship and the crew of the ship from fire and explosion in the tank, so that loading and unloading activities run smoothly and the company does not suffer losses due to fire and explosion tank. At the end of the thesis section By implementing the use and maintenance of the Inert Gas System properly it is expected to be able to proclaim the process of handling cargo and also the safety of the ship and crew of the fire from explosions and in the tank, so that loading and unloading activities run smoothly and the company does not suffer losses due to fire and explosion in the tank. At the end of the thesis section the researcher presents conclusions and suggestions.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Inert Gas System, kebakaran dan ledakan didalam tangki, penanganan muatan. Keywords: Inert Gas System, fire and explosion in the tank, handling cargo
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2020 13:35
Last Modified: 14 Jan 2020 13:35

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