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ABSTRAK Setiawan Sudrajat, 2019, NIT: 52155894. K, “Pengaruh Berat Badan Pelaut Terhadap Kualitas Kerja Di Atas Kapal PT. Jasindo Duta Segara Tahun 2018”, Skripsi Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut dan Kepelabuhanan, Program Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: Daryanto S.H., MM. Pembimbing II: Capt. Dwi Antoro M.M., M.Mar. Berat badan adalah ukuran tubuh dalam sisi beratnya yang ditimbang dalam keadaan berpakaian minimal tanpa perlengkapan apapun, dan diukur dengan alat ukur berat badan dengan suatu satuan kilogram. Berat badan merupakan hasil peningkatan atau penurunan semua jaringan yang ada pada tubuh dan dipakai sebagai indikator yang terbaik saat ini untuk mengetahui keadaan gizi dan tumbuh kembang. Tujuan dari penulisan yang dituangkan dalam skripsi ini adalah : 1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh berat badan pelaut terhadap kualitas bekerja di atas kapal. 2) Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran PT. Jasindo Duta Segara untuk mendapatkan pelaut yang berberat badan ideal agar dapat memenuhi syarat yang ditentukan oleh ship owner. 3) Untuk mengetahui cara agar berat badan pelaut dapat terjaga selama bekerja di atas kapal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan secara terperinci pengaruh berat badan pelaut terhadap kualitas kerja di atas kapal PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi berupa foto-foto pelaksanaan perekrutan awak kapal dan evaluasi hasil kerja di PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Pelaksanaan mutasi awak kapal menjadi terkendala. 2) Penumpukan crew stand by dikarenakan berat badan tidak ideal. 3) Menurunnya kualitas kerja di atas kapal dikarenakan berat badan tidak ideal. Upaya yang dilakukan PT. Jasindo Duta Segara dalam menjaga berat badan awak kapal agar tetap ideal untuk bekerja diatas kapal : 1) Meningkatkan rutinitas olahraga diatas kapal pada awak kapal. 2) Memantau permakanan awak kapal terutamanya dalam hal gizi untuk menunjang kualitas kerja diatas kapal. 3) Melaksanakan pengarahan tentang pentingnya menjaga berat badan agar tetap ideal di lingkungan kerja. Kesimpulannya adalah dalam bekerja diatas kapal maka diperlukan kondisi fisik yang sehat dan berat badan yang ideal guna menunjang kualitas dalam bekerja. Sebaiknya perusahaan lebih melakukan pemantauan dan pemberian sanksi yang tegas terhadap awak kapal yang memiliki berat badan tidak ideal. ABSTRACT Muhammad Kurniawan, 2018, NIT: 51145517. K, “Analysis of Cadet Scholarship Program on Mutation of Ship Officer in PT. Jasindo Duta Segara”,Thesis of Port and Shipping Department, Diploma IV Program, Merchant Marine Polythecnic Semarang, Advisor (I) : Irma Shinta Dewi, S.S., M.Pd Advisor (II): Capt. Firdaus Sitepu, S.ST, M.Si., M.Mar Cadet Scholarship is one of the programs in PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. Each activity must be supported by good implementation so that the program can run smoothly. The implementation of cadet scholarship program at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara has not run well so that it affects the mutation of ship officers and needs improvement. The purpose of this study is 1) to know the obstacles faced by cadet to get cadet scholarship program 2) the influence or impact of cadet scholarship program on ship officer mutation 3) to know the effort done to overcome the obstacle or influence faced in the implementation of mutation of ship officer at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. This study uses descriptive qualitative method by describing in detail the implementation of cadet scholarship program on mutation of ship officer in PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. Data collection was done by interview, observation, literature study and documentation in the form of photos of cadet scholarship implementation and implementation of mutation of ship officer in PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. The results of the study showed that 1) the obstacles faced by cadets to get a scholarship program were cadets who experienced illness or work accidents and asked to get aboard abruptly and unfavorable performance during the ship 2) the influence of the cadet scholarship program on the mutation of ship officers at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara is the implementation of mutations of ship officers to be less neat, crew build up by being in the Third Officer / Engineer position, Decreasing the loyalty of ship officers who have long worked at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara 3) efforts made to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of the transfer of ship officers at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara is repairing the replacement crew system or the transfer of a ship officer carried out by the Recruiting Department, promoting the Third Officer / Engineer who is experienced and has fulfilled the requirements, paying attention to and convincing the ship's officer regarding welfare to work at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara. The conclusion is that from the results of the study it is very influential on the smooth mutation of ship officers at PT. Jasindo Duta Segara, for this reason an effort was made to overcome it so that the mutation of ship officers became normal and smooth. Companies should reduce the recruitment of ship officers and prioritize ship officers from the cadet scholarship program.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci : Pengaruh, Berat badan, Kualitas kerja. Keywords: Analysis, Cadet Scholarship, Mutation of Ship Officers
Subjects: Skripsi > KALK
Divisions: Ketatalaksanaan Angkutan Laut
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 30 Dec 2019 04:52
Last Modified: 30 Dec 2019 04:52

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