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INTISARI Farih Azhar, 2020. “Analisis Rusaknya Muatan Getah di MV. Eline Enterprise”. Skripsi. Program Diploma IV, Program Studi Nautika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Pembimbing I: Capt. H, Agus Hadi P., S.P1., M.Mar, Pembimbing II: Irma Shinta D., S.S., M.Pd. Pada prinsipnya semua kapal mempunyai tujuan untuk menjaga keselamatan muatan dan awak kapal selama pelayaran. Namun pada saat peneliti melaksanakan praktik di MV. Eline Enterprise yang bertipe general cargo, peneliti menemukan kejadian rusaknya muatan getah di palet yang hampir selalu terjadi di setiap pelayaran. Karena hal tersebut perlu adanya pelaksanaan proses pemuatan getah di palet yang sesuai prosedur. Sehingga muatan getah di palet yang di bawa pada saat pelayaran tidak mengalami kerusakan. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelititan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dengan menceritakan kembali kejadian yang terjadi di atas kapal dan melaksanakan wawancara secara langsung kepada awak kapal. Pelaksanaan bongkar muat muatan getah di palet yang dilaksanakan oleh buruh kapal tidak sesuai prosedur, karena kurangnya pengetahuan buruh kapal, serta pada saat pelaksanaan lashing muatan getah di palet yang dilaksanakan oleh awak kapal kurang maksimal. Kurangnya alat-alat lashing juga menjadi faktor kurang maksimalnya pelaksanaan lashing. Analisis data menghasilkan simpulan bahwa kendala penanganan muatan getah di MV. Eline Enterprise adalah tidak sesuainya prosedur penanganan muatan getah. Hal demikian dapat membahayakan keselamatan kapal selama pelayaran, sehingga perlu mengadakan pelaksanaan metting sebelum melaksanakan proses bongkar muat muatan getah di palet dan adanya perawatan alat lashing secara berkala untuk menjaga kualitas alat lashing agar dapat digunakan dengan baik. Dengan demikian maka keamanan muatan getah di palet pada saat pelayaran akan terjamin dan selamat sampai pelabuhan tujuan. ABSTRACT Farih Azhar, 2020. “Analysis of Rubber Load Damage at MV. Eline Enterprise”. Skripsi. Diploma IV Program, Nautical Studies, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. 1st Supervisor: Capt. H, Agus Hadi P., S.P1., M.Mar, 2nd Supervisor: Irma Shinta D., S.S., M.Pd. All ships have a purpose to maintain the safety of the cargo and crew during the voyage. But when researchers carry out practice in MV. Eline Enterprise, which is of general cargo type, researchers found that rubber cargo damage in pallets almost always occurred on every voyage. Because of this, it is necessary to carry out the process of loading cargo that are in accordance with the procedure and also the implementation of securing the appropriate loading procedures. So that the cargo was not damaged. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive research method by retelling the events that occurred on the ship and conducting interviews directly with the crew. The implementation of loading and unloading the rubber that is carried out by a workers not in accordance with the procedures , because of the lack of knowledge workers , and also when crew do a cargo lashing are not carry out well. A lack of lashing tools are also become factors of less lashing account of the implementation of the cargo. Data analysis resulted in the conclusion that the handling constraints of rubber loading in MV. Eline Enterprise is the unavailability of procedure regarding the operation. This can dangerous for the safety of the ship during the voyage, so it is necessary to carry out the implementation of metting before carrying out the process of loading and unloading rubber. maintenance lashing tools equipment to maintain the quality so that it can be used properly. So, the security of the cargo during shipping will be guaranteed and safe arrival at the port of destination.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: prosedur, lashing, muatan getah, palet. Keywords: procedure, lashing, rubber cargo, pallet.
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 05 Aug 2020 01:47
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2020 01:47

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