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ABSTRAKSI Nanda Muchlis Azizi, 2019, NIT: 51145255.N, “Evaluasi Remaining On Board (ROB) Muatan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) Di Kapal MT. Sapta Samudra” Program Diploma IV jurusan Nautika Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing Materi (I): Dr. Capt. SUWIYADI, M.Pd., M.Mar., Pembimbing Metodologi dan Penulisan (II): SRI SUYANTI, S.S. MFO di setiap pelabuhan mempunyai density yang berbeda-beda tergantung tempat dimana crude oil diambil dari perut bumi sehingga akan menentukan kwalitas dari MFO yang dihasilhan. Seperti yang terjadi dikapal MT. Sapta Samudra pada awal tahun 2017 lalu tepatnya pada voyage 03.L.II.17 yang pada saat itu loading di pelabuhan pertamina Plaju dan bongkar di pelabuhan Pertamina Pontianak pada saat itu tidak terjadi kendala apa pun pada saat proses bongkar muat, berbanding terbalik pada saat voyage 013.L.VIII.17 yang muat di TBBM Pertamina Kasim dan bongkar di pelabuhan Pertamina Pulau Sambu yang dalam proses membongkar muncul beberapa masalah baik dari intern kapal maupun ekstern kapal, dimana masalah tersebut mengakibatkan ROB. Maka dari itu diambilah judul skripsi “evaluasi remaining on board (ROB) muatan marine fuel oil (MFO) di kapal MT. Sapta Samudra Pada buku lain yang berjudul Tanker Cargo Handling yang ditulis oleh D.RUTHERFORD tidak menjelaskan langsung arti dari ROB tetapi dijelakan bahwa: Inspection of tanks When discharge of the cargo has been completed the tanks should be inspected by Chief Officer and the Terminal Representative so that they can be certified emty in case in dispute as to the vessel’s outtrun of cargo. If the ship is in the black products or crude oil trade it is probable that each tsnk will have a certain amount of retained material witch can not be discharged to the shore. In these cases it will be necessary for sludge dips to be taken in order to calculate the amount of material retained on board and offset it against any dispure between the ship’s outtrun and the Bill of Lading figures. Dalam penelitian ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis pembahasan menggunakan fishbone analysis sehingga di dalam pembahasan nanti, peneliti berusaha untuk memaparkan hasil dari semua studi dan penelitian yang diperoleh baik itu secara langsung maupun berdasarkan referensi dari buku-buku terkait. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, pengamatan dan observasi terdapat dua faktor yaitu faktor internal kapal dan faktor ekternar kapal. Dan upaya untuk menatasinya adalah dengan memaksimalkan peralatan yang ada di atas kapal. Dari halis evaluasi yang menjadi faktor terbesar penyebab terjadinya ROB muatan MFO adalah faktor ekternal kapal. Agar tidak terjadi lagi harus diperlukan persiapan yang cukup untuk proses bongkar muat. ABSTRACT Nanda Muchlis Azizi, 2019, NIT: 51145255.N, “Evaluasi Remaining On Board (ROB) Muatan Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) Di Kapal MT. Sapta Samudra” Program Diploma IV Nautical department Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang, Material Supervisor (I): Dr. Capt. SUWIYADI, M.Pd., M.Mar., Methodology and Writing tutors (II): SRI SUYANTI, S.S. MFOs in each port have different densities depending on where the crude oil extracted from the bowels of the earth will be determined by the quality of the MFO produced. As happened in the MT. Sapta Samudra at the beginning of 2017 then failed on shipping o3.L.II.17 which at that time was loading at Plaju's Pertamina port and unloading at Pertamina Pontianak port at the time it was not damaged Anything during the loading and unloading process, compared to changing during voyage 013.L.VIII.17 which was loaded at Pertamina TBBM Kasim and unloading at the Pertamina port in Sambu Island, which in the process of dismantling appeared several problems both from internal vessels and ship externals, as well as problems related to ROB. Therefore, the title of the thesis is taken "evaluation of the remaining on board (ROB) marine fuel load (MFO) on the MT vessel. Sapta Samudra In another book entitled Tanker Cargo Handling written by D. Rutherford, it does not directly explain the meaning of the ROB, but it is explained that: Inspection of tanks When discharge of the cargo has been completed the tanks should be inspected by Chief Officer and the Terminal Representative so that they can be certified emty in case in dispute as to the vessel’s outtrun of cargo. If the ship is in the black products or crude oil trade it is probable that each tsnk will have a certain amount of retained material witch can not be discharged to the shore. In these cases it will be necessary for sludge dips to be taken in order to calculate the amount of material retained on board and offset it against any dispure between the ship’s outtrun and the Bill of Lading figures. In this study, the research method used is a qualitative descriptive method and a descriptive analysis using fishbone analysis so that in the discussion later, researchers encourage to explain the results of all well-obtained studies and studies that are directly accessed and searched from the related books. Based on the results of interviews, observations and observations there are two factors, namely the internal factors of the ship and the external factors of the ship. And efforts to overcome them are by maximizing the equipment on board. From the evaluation of the halis which is the biggest factor causing the loading ROB, MFO is an external vessel factor. In order not to happen again, there must be sufficient preparation for the loading and unloading process.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci: Remaining On Board (ROB), Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) Keywords: Remaining On Board (ROB), Marine Fuel Oil (MFO)
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email perpustakaan@pip-semarang.ac.id
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2020 12:47
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2020 12:47
URI: http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/id/eprint/2266

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