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ABSTRAKSI Yuha Mukmin Alfalah, NIT : 51145267 N, 2019, ”Peran kapal tunda dalam operasi menyandarkan kapal MV. Spil Hana di Pelabuhan Surabaya”. Skripsi, Program Diploma IV, Program Studi Nautika, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang. Pembimbing I: Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar, Pembimbing II: Agus Hendro Waskito, M.M.,M.Mar.E. Olah gerak kapal adalah cara menguasai kapal baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak untuk mencapai tujuan pelayaran seaman dan seefisien mungkin, dengan mempergunakan sarana yang terdapat diatas kapal seperti mesin, kemudi, dan semua peralatan navigasi diatas anjungan. Kegiatan olah gerak kapal tidak lepas dari proses sandar di dermaga suatu pelabuhan yang dibantu dengan sarana penunjang seperti jasa kapal tunda dan pandu. Peranan kapal tunda dalam olah gerak kapal saat sandar sangatlah penting, untuk mempercepat dan mempermudah dalam proses olah gerak sandar di pelabuhan. Selain itu juga untuk memperkecil akan timbulnya bahaya-bahaya dalam proses olah gerak, yang dapat membahayakan kapal dan lingkungan sekitar pelabuhan. Peranan dan intruksi dari seorang pandu dalam proses olah gerak kapal di pelabuhan sangatlah berperan penting untuk membantu pada saat akan melakukan proses olah gerak kapal sandar di pelabuhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis dari obyek yang di teliti, dalam hal ini mengumpulkan data berupa pendekatan terhadap obyek melalui wawancara terhadap sumber pengalaman, melalui data-data yang berhubungan dengan proses olah gerak masuk alur pelabuhan. Dari hasil analisa yang saya dapat, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi antar kapal juga sangatlah penting baik kapal tunda ataupun kapal yang ditunda, guna memperlancar proses olah gerak sewaktu akan melaksanakan penyandaran. Agar apa yang akan dilakukan sesuai intruksi dari pandu dapat dimengerti dengan jelas dan tidak menimbulkan resiko yang dapat merugikan pihak kapal, seperti resiko tubrukan. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan dalam melaksanakan olah gerak kapal pada saat sandar dengan peranan kapal tunda, serta pentingnya komunikasi antar kapal. Guna memberikan pelajaran dan ilmu kepada taruna praktek laut bahwa pada proses olah gerak kapal sandar, peranan kapal tunda dan komunikasi antar kapal sangatlah penting agar terhindar dari bahaya tubrukan. ABSTRACT Yuha Mukmin Alfalah, NIT: 51145267 N, 2019, "The role of the tugboat in the leaning operation the MV. Spil Hana at Surabaya Harbor". Thesis, Diploma IV Program, Nautical Department, Merchant Marine Polytechnic of Semarang. Advisor I: Capt. H. Agus Subardi, M.Mar, Advisor II: Agus Hendro Waskito, M.M., M.Mar.E. The ship's movement is a method of mastering a ship either in a state of silence or motion to reach the shipping destination as safely and efficiently as possible, by using the means found on a ship such as the engine, steering wheel, and all navigation equipment on the bridge. The ship's activity is not separated from the process of anchoring on the dock of a port which is assisted by supporting facilities such as tugboat and pilot services. The role of tugboats in the movement of the ship when docked is very important, to speed up and simplify the process of anchoring in the port. In addition, it is also to minimize the occurrence of dangers in the process of motion, which can endanger the ship and the environment around the port. The role and instructions of a pilot in the process of moving the ship at the port is very important to help when going to do the process of moving the ship dock at the port. The method used in this study is a qualitative method that produces descriptive data in the form of written words of the object being examined, in this case collecting data in the form of an approach to objects through interviews with sources of experience, through data relating to the process of entering motion port channel. From the results of the analysis that I got, it can be concluded that communication between ships is also very important both tugboats and ships that are delayed, in order to facilitate the process of motion when going to carry out the resting. So that what will be done according to instructions from the pilot can be understood clearly and does not cause risks that can harm the ship, such as the risk of collision. The purpose of writing this thesis is to improve the ability and skills in carrying out ship movements while leaning on the role of tugboats, as well as the importance of between ships communication. In order to provide lessons and knowledge to cadets in the practice of the sea that in the process of moving the ship dock, the role of tugs and communication between ships is very important in order to avoid the danger of collision

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci : Olah gerak kapal, Tubrukan, MV. Spil Hana, Pelabuhan Surabaya Keywords: Ship movement, Collision, MV. Spil Hana, Surabaya Harbor.
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 03 Jan 2020 03:05
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2020 03:05

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