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ABSTRACT Rhevan Rhery Andhika, 2019, NIT: 52155607.N, "Interference Analysis of MV. Energy Prosperity When Facing Typhoon in Luzon Strait ", Mini Thesis of Nautical Diploma IV Study Program, Semarang Mechant Marine Polytechnic, 1st Advisor: Capt. Hadi Supriyono, M.M., M.Mar, 2nd Advisor: Dr. Winarno, S.ST., M.H MV. Energy Prosperity is a ship where the researcher carried out the research, is a type of panamax bulk carrier, and has a service area in Kalimantan - Korea. So that the voyage mostly pass through the Luzon Strait, Philippine. Where the Luzon Strait is a strait that connects Luzon Island, Philippine with the State of Taiwan. The Luzon Strait is directly adjacent to the South China Sea, the Philippine Sea and the Western Pacific Ocean. Where the Pacific Ocean is an area of cyclone and anticyclone formation that has the potential for happens a typhoon. So that the seafarers must prepare their voyages properly to anticipate the disturbances that will be occured. The methods used in this study is descriptive and qualitative methods. The researcher get the data sources from the research’s documentation, literature, and some interviews with deck officers onboard. The research problem formulations are: 1) Any navigation disturbances that arise in the MV. Energy Prosperity when facing with typhoon in Luzon Strait. 2) How are efforts made to overcome navigation disturbances that arise in the MV. Energy Prosperity due to typhoon in Luzon Strait. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the disturbances that arise when sailing faces typhoons in Luzon Strait, wind disturbances, high swells, and strong currents. And efforts are made to overcome navigation disturbances that arise in the MV. Energy Prosperity due to typhoon in Luzon Strait is to carry out observations of the signs of typhoon, implement a method of avoiding typhoon, and carry out heavy weather drill regularly. Suggestion of researchers for all ship deck deck officers must make preparations to deal with challenges that arise when typhoon occurs optimally. In addition all ship deck deck officers must conduct shipping analysis when facing typhoons and carry out efforts in overcoming it optimally. ABSTRAK Rhevan Rhery Andhika, 2019, NIT: 52155607 N, “Analisis Gangguan Bernavigasi MV. Energy Prosperity Pada Saat Menghadapi Typhoon di Perairan Luzon Strait”, Skripsi Program Studi Nautika, Program Diploma IV Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing 1: Capt. Hadi Supriyono, M.M., M.Mar, Dosen Pembimbing II: Dr. Winarno, S.ST., M.H MV. Energy Prosperity adalah kapal dimana peneliti melaksanakan penelitian, merupakan tipe kapal panamax bulk carrier, dan memiliki service area Kalimantan – Korea. Sehingga dalam pelayaran harus melewati Selat Luzon, Filphina. Dimana Selat Luzon ( Luzon Straits) adalah selat yang menghubungkan antara Pulau Luzon, Filpina dengan Negara Taiwan. Selat Luzon berbatasan langsung dengan Laut China Selatan, Laut Filipina, dan Samudera Pasifik Bagian Barat. Dimana Samudera Pasifik merupakan wilayah pembentukan cyclone dan anticyclone yang berpotensi terjadinya typhoon. Sehingga para pelaut harus mempersiapkan pelayarannya dengan baik untuk mengantisipasi gangguangangguan yang akan terjadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dan kualitatif. Sumber data dari penelitian berasal dari dokumentasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Adapun rumusan masalah penelitian adalah: 1) Gangguan navigasi apa saja yang timbul pada MV. Energy Prosperity saat menghadapi typhoon di Luzon Strait. 2) Bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi gangguan navigasi yang timbul pada MV. Energy Prosperity akibat typhoon di Luzon Strait. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa gangguan yang timbul pada saat berlayar menghadapi typhoon di Luzon Strait yaitu gangguan angin, high swell, dan arus air laut yang kencang. Dan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi gangguan navigasi yang timbul pada MV. Energy Prosperity akibat typhoon di Luzon Strait yaitu melaksanakan pengamatan terhadap tandatanda terjadinya typhoon, melaksanakan metode olah gerak menghindari typhoon, serta melaksanakan heavy weather drill secara berkala. Saran peneliti bagi semua perwira kapal bagian deck harus melakukan persiapan-persiapan untuk menghadapi gagguan yang timbul pada saat terjadi typhoon secara optimal. Selain itu semua perwira kapal bagian deck harus melakukan analisa pelayaran pada saat menghadapi typhoon dan melaksanakan upaya-upaya dalam mengatasi secara optimal.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Keywords: typhoon, navigation, Luzon Straits Kata Kunci: typhoon, navigasi, Luzon Straits
Subjects: Skripsi > Nautika
Divisions: Nautika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email perpustakaan@pip-semarang.ac.id
Date Deposited: 30 Dec 2019 07:02
Last Modified: 30 Dec 2019 07:02
URI: http://repository.pip-semarang.ac.id/id/eprint/2145

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