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ABSTRAKSI Lathifan Mustakim, 2019, NIT: 52155771.T, “Analisa pentingnya pengaruh dan peran Chief Engineer ketika proses bunker dalam menunjang keselamatan di atas kapal MV. Territory Trader”, skripsi Program Studi Teknika, Progran Diploma IV, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Pembimbing I: H Amad Narto, M.Mar.E, M.PD dan Pembimbing II: Sri Suyanti, S.S., M.Si. Bunker merupakan komponen pokok karena tanpa bunker, kapal tidak bisa berjalan. Aspek yang paling penting dari operasi bunker adalah “daftar” yang merupakan bagian dari Safety Management System (SMS) dan ISM. Sebagai seorang mesin atau engineer saat proses bunker harus memahami dan mengerti petunjuk kerja bunker survey di kapal. Seorang Chief Engineer berperan penting saat proses bunker berlangsung karena sebagai pemimpin suatu tim. Mengingat pentingnya peran Chief Engineer dalam keselamatan di atas kapal maka harus selalu mengontrol anak buahnya saat melakukan pekerjaannya, dalam hal ini Penulis menggunakan metode fishbone dan fault tree analysis, dimana metode ini adalah suatu teknik yang digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor dan resiko dalam pentingnya peran Chief Engineer dalam keselamatan di atas kapal. Metode ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan yang bersifat sebab dan akibat, yang diawali dengan asumsi kegagalan atau kerugian dari kejadian puncak (top event) kemudian merinci sebab-sebab suatu top event sampai pada suatu kegagalan dasar (rootcause). Hasil penelitian tentang peran Chief Engineer ketika proses bunker dalam menunjang keselamatan di atas kapal yaitu akan terjadinya kebocoran pada saat pemasangan flange pipa manivolt bunker, karena pemasangan flange pipa manivolt bunker yang tidak benar dari pihak pemasok. Upaya Chief Engineer dalam menunjang keselamatan di atas kapal adalah Untuk mewujudkan keselamatan saat bunker, Chief Engineer selalu mengontrol anak buahnya saat melaksanakan proses perbaikan pemasangan flange pipa manivolt bunker, Chief Engineer juga harus memikirkan keselamatan awak kapal ketika bunker, dengan cara memberi arahan-arahan yang jelas tentang keselamatan pada saat drill tentang bunker dan memberikan contoh-contoh supaya dapat dipahami dan dimengerti. Lebih berhati-hati ketika melaksanakan bunker, memakai alat-alat keselamatan seperti helmet, gloves, safety shoes dll. ABSTRACT Lathifan Mustakim, 2019, NIT: 52155771.T, "Analysis of the importance of influence and role of Chief Engineer when the bunker process in support of safety aboard MV. Territory Trader ", thesis study Program Teknika, Diploma IV Programme, Polytechnic of the Semarang sailing sciences, Supervisor I: H Amad Narto, M. Mar. E, M. PD and supervisior II: Sri Suyanti, S.S., M.Si. Bunker is a staple component because without a bunker, the vessel can not walk. The most important aspect of the bunker operation is the "list" which is part of the Safety Management System (SMS) and the ISM. As a machine or engineer when the bunker process must understand and understand the instructions of work Bunker survey on board. A Chief Engineer plays an important role when the bunker process takes place because as a team leader. Given the importance of Chief Engineer's role in safety on board, it should always control his men while doing his job, in this case the authors use Fishbone and fault tree analysis methods, where this method is a technique Which is used to analyse factors and risks in the importance of Chief Engineer's role in safety on board. This method is done by the cause and effect approach, which begins assuming the failure or loss of the top event then detailing the causes of a top event up to a basic failure (rootcause). The results of the research on the role of Chief Engineer when the bunker process in support of safety on board is the occurrence of leakage at the time of installation of the pipe Flanges Manivolt Bunker, because the installation of the pipe flange Manivolt bunker is incorrect from Party suppliers. The effort of Chief Engineer in supporting safety on board is to realize the safety of the bunker, Chief Engineer always control his men when carrying out the repair process of installation of pipe Manivolt bunker, Chief Engineer must also Think of the safety of the crew when the bunker, by giving clear instructions on safety when drill about the bunker and give examples so that it can be understood and understood. Be careful when carrying out bunkers, use safety equipment such as helmet, gloves, safety shoes etc.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kata kunci : Bunker, peran Chief Engineer, keselamatan Keywords: Bunker, Chief Engineer role, safety, Fishbone, fault tree analysis |
Subjects: | Skripsi > Teknika |
Divisions: | Teknika |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 17 Jul 2020 02:10 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jul 2020 02:10 |
URI: | |
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